letters and numbers
What a great day it has been...I started off with a couple of hours at Whitefish Island enjoying the birds and looking for photos for this week, followed by a couple of hours at the Science Festival with Amanda, followed by a working visit with my parents at the campground. A bowl of cereal for supper and some blues in the background are making a perfect end to the day.
I really enjoy looking for letters in nature so I put this topic into the plan for the year even though I did it not too long ago during last year's project. Last year however, I just found random letters and this time I wanted to spell something. I decided on "spring" and headed out this morning to find those letters. As I went along, I decided to add 2016 to the challenge. I started enjoying the challenge a little less when I realized that I wasn't going to find a decent R, G or 6. So be warned, you may need to squint or use your imagination. I should have begun looking earlier in the week but man, the weather was ugly to begin and then I had a project that took some of my time.
I recently realized that I had three paid-for photobooks that expire next Thursday. I had already started a book about things we did last summer and I had photos from Las Vegas to use but there was nothing I could think of to use in the third book. Inspiration came in the form of a puppy. Pam adopted a sweetie pie from Northern Critters in Need and I figured they might need a Welcome Riya book (Riya is her name). I have had fun trying to get the little dolly (and her peeps) to cooperate with the camera. I admire pet photographers more every moment.
This is Riya, a maybe lab-shepherd mix.
I'm ready to play.
Why are the kids outside and I am in here?
Oh well, I'll just sleep then.
Now to the project photos...
I tried really hard to spell SPRING 2016.
And here you have to use your imagination...can you see the wonky lower case g?
No? Me neither. How about SPRINK?
I know, I know, it only vaguely resembles a 6 but it was the best I could do.
This looking for letters thing takes a bit more than a single morning's effort.