Saturday, 20 February 2016

Week 7: Just Wingin' It

wing it - being lazy

I'm pretty smart...when I made the list for the year, I left a few items blank in case I think of ideas as the year progresses and I put in "wing it - being lazy" as a topic.  I figured there might be a week in which I took photos but didn't go out purposefully looking for stuff.  As a matter of fact, that seems to be what I am doing every week but today I couldn't find a topic in the list that matched the photos I took this week.  So lazy it is.

Last Sunday I braved the icy temperatures and went for a walk with my birds.  The blue jays were back, the hairy woodpeckers were active, the chickadees were flitting about as usual and a lone bald eagle posed in a tree for me as I quietly neared his perch.  An excellent hour, all in all.  I think I then spent the rest of the day trying to get warm.  On Family Day (another of our fake Canadian holidays as my Aunt Irma likes to say), I took my Little Sister and her friend to the last day of the bumslides.  I was enjoying watching all the little and not-so-little kids enjoy themselves so much and I was feeling kind of nostalgic for having small kids.  Then suddenly I was surrounded by no fewer than five screaming children (tired? hungry?) and I came to my senses.

Would somebody get this poor guy a brush?

He was sitting up so nice and tall for the longest time but the closer I got, the more suspicious he got.  He crouched like this then took off flying.

It's more fun to slide with a friend so I asked Amanda to bring one along.

Now, to make an actual plan for this week...

1 comment:

  1. I know I give you a hard time about your birds, but geez those pictures are beautiful. And the kids look like they were having great fun.
