Saturday, 19 March 2016

Week 11: I Surround Myself With Brilliant Friends

Ask a friend for an idea

I met Donna on my first day of University (just a few years ago).  She was one of my housemates in our townhouse residence at Erindale College (now called something else) at U of T.  We have remained friends over the years and this past week, she and her son made the long drive to visit us. 

 A couple of weeks ago when I posted about the light table, Donna suggested that the food colouring thing would be cool on the light table so I told her she could try it.  We got her set up the other day with the light table, my glass baking dish, the food colouring and a lot of newspaper.  It looked so cool that I decided to do it for the assignment this week.  So I didn't quite ask a friend for an idea as much as I stole a friend's idea.

As it turns out, I don't love my photos as much as I loved the ones on the back of Donna's camera but I would do it again...practice makes perfect and there are many colours with which to play.

Speaking of university, this one reminds me of slides we had to study in histology, pathology, embryology or some other -ology I cannot recall.  I never was able to find what I was looking for.

The part on the lower left reminds me of Earth.  I am not sure what we are's kind of squishy looking so maybe impact won't be too devastating.

I've got nothing for this one but I liked the way it kind of looks like crinkled foil wrap around the edges.

Questions answered...five bucks a piece.

This is how Dr. Seuss would draw the Eiffel Tower I think.

Just a mess of colour.

I liked the simplicity of this one.

This one seems like it is rushing somewhere.

And this was sunset at Pointe Des Chenes on Tuesday evening.  Sadly that meant our visit with Donna and Blake was almost over.

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