Sunday, 11 September 2016

Week 33: Line Up!

leading lines

Lines that lead the viewer into the photograph have always caught my eye.  So too have lines that kind of lead nowhere.  I photographed many lines during the week we were in Wyoming and Montana and some lead you in, some lead you out and some lead you nowhere.  I have chosen a variety of photos from the time when we left the Black Hills in South Dakota, visited Devil's Tower on our way to Sheridan Wyoming, spent time there and then in Yellowstone and had our one day on the Going-to-the-Sun Road in Glacier National Park.

Here is Devil's Tower.  This view is from a little-used lookout on the road into the park.  Too bad the sky was mostly white that day.

I don't remember exactly where this was but I am going to guess Wyoming because of those rolling hills in the background.

This canyon was on the down side of the Bighorn Mountains in Wyoming.  I went a little further down the path but I was worried about snakes and scorpions so I didn't venture too far on my own.

On our way to Yellowstone, the water was beginning to have the turquoise colour.

At the back of the field, before the mountains, there are two little houses you can barely see.  I could live there!

Donna and I signed up for an early morning photography tour in Yellowstone.  This is one of the places our guide brought us.

Grand Prismatic Pool is one of the iconic geothermal features in Yellowstone.  It is best photographed from above and there is a trail leading to "Picture Hill."  I was foiled again and again in this park...first when our viewing of Old Faithful happened after dark so I couldn't properly photograph it and then the next day when we discovered the trail leading to Picture Hill was closed.  I had to be creative with my photography in this spot but ask Donna, Levi or Blake, I was grumpy.  These lines in the ground are slightly underwater and lead to one edge of Grand Prismatic Pool.

Leaving Yellowstone did not mean leaving the beauty behind.

Bonus pics:  two animal shots from Yellowstone.

Grizzly - young, I think.  He had just finished fishing in a stream by the side of the road.

Bison family bonding.

It will be a while before the next blogs are posted.  I have about 1000 photos left to process.

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