Saturday, 16 January 2016

Week 2: Can We Talk About This?

food colouring

A weird topic yes, but something I enjoyed doing two years ago and wanted to try again.  I did not enjoy it this time though.  For some reason the water had a lot of little air bubbles in it and they showed up in the colours.  I couldn't figure it out...same water, same glass, same procedure of dripping liquid food colouring in the water...yet bubbles appeared in the photos, and not in a helpful way.  What the heck?

I also don't so far like my bright idea for this year's project of just having all of the ideas listed and choosing one at random each week.  So far, I haven't been able to decide what to do and I have left it until the last moment (what I was trying to avoid... the guilt of not putting in the effort). This has resulted in not meeting my actual goal for each week which is "to make a photo that I am really proud of or at least quite happy with."  I'm going to have to spend some time this week thinking about the plan for this year.  Any advice is welcome.

Or maybe, I should just stop being grumpy...think of kittens and bunnies, and the fact that my India photobooks are finished and ordered!

Anyway, I have a couple of the food colouring photos and I have a few photos from last Sunday at Whitefish Island.  It was a gorgeous cold, snowy morning and I had the place to myself but sadly, the birds were hiding - probably keeping warm somewhere.

Yes, yet another chickadee.

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