Saturday, 23 January 2016

Week 3: The Birthday Edition


I chose the assignment, "Levi" this week because last Sunday Levi actually let me take his photo!  Mark it in your calendars, folks because it may not come around again for a long time.  Mind you, he was not posing for me, he was talking to his friend but when I pointed the camera at him, he didn't turn or duck his head.  The other reason I chose this photo is because today is his 15th birthday.  Hard to believe I know, but my boy is 15!  He's on his way to meet Peter who is coming for dinner and a sleepover.  I have to ice the cake and then the boys can decorate it.  Want to guess how over-full of icing it will be when they are done?

The photo of Levi was taken last Sunday morning in a deep freeze at Whitefish Island.  The rest of the photos were taken there too.  I have decided not to feel guilty about getting the camera out only once a week.  After all, the change from the 365 project to the project 52 was so that I didn't have to shoot every day.  I will have to choose my topic at the beginning of the week though, in order to stop obsessing over it all and enjoy the process rather than stress over it.  That's how I handled it this week and it seemed to work.    I did want a few more photos of Levi but the opportunity did not arise so I am okay with just the one.

There was a huge flock of waxwings...identified by Christopher, the birder, not me or Levi.  We watched them for a while and decided there were two species in there.  When we got home and googled, we confirmed that there were cedar and bohemian waxwings.  The ones with the yellow bellies are the cedar waxwings.

The ducks were quite amusing.  The two girls were fighting over the boy.  You can't really tell because the ducks' faces don't look ticked off but the one in behind kept pecking at the one in front, chasing her off.

And of course the boy thought he deserved all of the attention.  It looks like he is saying, "Yeah, so?"

Alright, I give up!

The frilly ice amused me, especially the one that is tipped on its side.

And finally, more pigeons in trees.  The one on the right thinks he's an eagle.

That's all folks.

1 comment:

  1. Happy birthday Levi!
    Great pics Sharon.. Have you ever seen those waxwings before? They look pretty cool. And I love the duck in flight.
