Saturday, 28 May 2016

Week 21: Take Time to Reflect


I had high hopes for this one again this year.  Last year, all of my reflections were from the water and I put the topic on this year's list with plans to use other surfaces as well.  The weather and timing didn't cooperate though, so I was left with only water reflections, which I took on Victoria Day.  I love long weekends!

Yesterday I tried a photo that I have wanted to try for a long time.  I couldn't find the two original photos (one in a book and one in a magazine) that gave me the idea so I didn't have step by step instructions to get the set up correct.  After a bit of fiddling, I think I got everything organized but it was way harder than I thought it would be.  It might have been my subject matter or the distance between foreground and background or the aperture I used or any number of other things.  It was hot yesterday and after several attempts, I called it quits and decided to try again on a cooler day.

This is the one I liked best (although I wouldn't say I actually like it).

I had first tried with one of Levi's Archie comics.

Here are a couple of photos of the bridge...

I know it's just a pile of grass in the pond but the shape is kind of cool and I like the leaves floating on the water.

The shore isn't very pretty but. it looks nicer in reflection

The forget-me-nots were out in full force.

And there were some tiny little strawberry plants in the morning dew.

The pretty yellow flowers lined the path.

A sparrow singing right to me and only me.

It is trillium season.

This apple tree was just beginning to bud on Monday.  What a difference a few days can most of the trees are just past their prime and the petals are carpeting the ground in many places. Hot and rainy weather does a lot for Mother Nature.

That's it for this week.  Next week calls for baby ducks and geese and I saw a whole slew of them this morning so I can't wait to get out and play with them.


  1. I really like that first picture Sharon, but what is it? What are the bubbles made of?

    1. There's a bit of glycerin in the water to keep it from rolling around. They are on a piece of plexiglass and the colour is a bunch of dollar store feathers.
