Sunday, 5 June 2016

Week 22: Cuteness Overload

spring babies

Let me begin by saying how absolutely awesome it was to sleep until 7:00 this morning!  I can only assume that all the birds are dead and the sun rose an hour and a half later than usual.  Woohoo!  Imagine the things I can accomplish today after a full night's sleep. I might tackle the gardens full of grass, bake for a fundraiser next week, clean the house...who knows what might happen.  But I will begin with this blog... and then maybe start reading Girl on a Train.

I wasn't sure about the timing of this topic since I can't predict when the ducks and geese are going to have their babies and when they feel like proudly displaying them to the public.  It turns out the timing was perfect.  Last Sunday since I was up (see above re: sleep issues), I headed to Bellevue Park to see the babies in the morning light.  I didn't think of the fact that the park is closed overnight and doesn't open again until 7:00 but the security guy was there early and I got in at 6:45.  The fog was beautiful (as you will see) but that also meant that the mosquitoes were out.  I hadn't thought to bring bug spray with me but I soldiered on.  The baby ducks (there were 21 the day before when I was there with Amanda) were hiding first thing but I found a few geese.  Later the ducks came out but they stayed so far out in the water that I couldn't get a decent photograph.  I headed to Whitefish Island to see if there were any babies but there were not.  The only baby photos I have for you this week are goslings.  Even though the blog topic is over, my search for cuteness is not...I may have a baby duck or two in next week's installment.

Although this first photo is not in perfect focus, it is my favourite.  The daddy goose was keeping a close eye on me while I pointed my camera at his babies but mama was just sitting there.  I'm not sure if the babies got tired of the click-click-clicking of my camera or if it was just time for a cuddle, but they waddled up to mama and pushed themselves up under her wing then popped out on top.  I laughed out loud and startled a passing dog walker.  I have never seen this before, despite my yearly pilgrimage to the spring babies so this is my photo of choice for the week.

These two made me laugh.  I imagine that the older brother is reassuring the younger one that it was going to be okay, he could do it, just jump.

This family swam past me just before I left.  I waited for them all to be looking in the same direction and they obliged.

And here we have some fog.  See the bridge?

More fog.

And a spiderweb in the fog.

At Whitefish Island, the bullfrogs were having a very loud conversation...almost loud enough to drown out the birds.

And it was lilac week (they are already turning brown all over town.

That's all for this week.  Have a great Sunday everyone.


  1. I love the baby ducks, and even more so I love your story about getting the pictures. Sounds like so much fun!

  2. The pictures are simply beautiful.....
