Saturday, 25 June 2016

Week 25: Family Matters

mom and dad

I guess I didn't really ask my parents if I could do this topic.  I certainly didn't check with them when I put it on the list and I am not entirely sure if I made it clear they would be front and center on the blog this week when I pointed my camera at them on Father's Day.

What is it they say?  It's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission?

Regardless of the state of my permission (or lack thereof), I love this photograph of my mom and dad.  They have been married for 53 years (in August), they raised four awesome kids (if I do say so myself), they have been loving grandparents to four amazing grandchildren and countless grandcats and a couple of granddogs.  I have been lucky enough to be part of their love and laughter my entire life.

I have had the privilege of living, as an adult, in the same city as my parents for the past 25 years but that is coming to an end.  As I write this, mom and dad are probably at the apartment packing up some stuff (or maybe they are taking a break and relaxing at the trailer instead) because later this summer, they are moving to Windsor to live with my sister.  I truly believe it is a good move for them, not least because Anne's new house (which she bought to have room for them all) has a pool!  Levi has said that next summer he might just move in with Aunt Anne and find a job in Windsor for the summer.  Wait a minute...there seems to be a bit of a trend here.  Seriously though, although Levi and I will miss our easy access to Grandma and Grandpa, I wish them all the best.  And we look forward to the summers that will still be spent at Mark's Bay.

Here they are, Gene and Elayne.

And I have been negligent again...not much else done with the camera this week.  

Last Sunday when we arrived at the trailer, a friend of my dad's was there with his dog Lily.  She was so cute, I had to get out the camera.

Today we headed up the highway for a drive and some hikes.  It was supposed to be hot and sunny.  It was hot, yes, but not sunny so I didn't feel like taking any scenery photos.

This is Levi at the Pictographs.  I never go out there.

And here is a frog at Katherine cove.

Soon after we left Katherine Cove, thunder rumbled and the first few drops of what would turn out to be a torrential rain started to fall.  We drove home from Old Woman Bay with the windshield wipers flapping like crazy while listening to the latest Rick Riordan book.  All in all, a good (but not photographic) day.

Saturday, 18 June 2016

Week 24: Just What Makes That Little Old Ant...

an ant's perspective

He's got high-igh-igh hopes!  Now is everyone singing along with me?

Well, I am not happy with my effort this week.  I was doing well for the past several weeks; thinking of ideas, getting out and trying them and I was generally happy with the results.  This week...not so much.  I didn't even load the photos on the computer until today and when I looked at them, I realized that all my photos are very similar in composition and subject matter.  Oh well, tomorrow begins another week (hopefully a week that is a little less hot and muggy).

This topic came from a book I read years ago (I am going to make a fairly confident guess that it was one of my Bryan Peterson books).  The idea is to change your perspective and shoot from down low...very low.  That's where I got the idea for the tulips a few weeks ago.  

Let's begin with the ant himself.  He is helping my peony bloom.

If he was able to crawl all the way to Hiawatha, this is what he might see.

Then I think he might find some folks having a picnic and invite himself along.  Thanks for the idea, was too hot to spend much time on it today so it isn't very exciting.  I should have set the table with my picnic stuff and put out some food in the background.  Okay, everyone just picture that yourselves.

Of course any ant in my household would head to Whitefish Island.

And off topic, last night I finally saw some ducklings up close.  Pam and the kids and I enjoyed the cooler evening for a bit at Bellevue Park.

Oops there goes another rubber tree plant.

...and now you're singing it again.

Saturday, 11 June 2016

Week 23: Annie Get Your Glasses

camera motion blur

I enjoy doing this motion blur type of thing...both when the object is moving and when the camera is moving.  This week was all about the camera moving.  I tried a few different things - panning, moving the camera in different directions and zooming during the exposure.  It is very difficult.  I am just not very steady with the camera at the best of times let alone when I am moving at the same time.  I just looked at the numbers on my photos and I see that I took 240 photos and kept about ten of them - that's how hard this is!  Sometimes the motion blur looks good and sometimes it just looks like a bad photo.  Sometimes there isn't really something nicely in focus but it doesn't matter and sometimes it does matter.  Anyway, here are some of the ones I decided to keep.

I popped over to Maxine's earlier this evening to drop off a lemon loaf that didn't come properly out of the pan so I couldn't put it in the bake sale tomorrow (she bought the less-than-perfect loaf) and her lupines were in perfect bloom.  I think this is my favourite of the photos this week.

Fergus came out to play.  I don't love this photo but it was the best of the bunch.  Like I said, this is very difficult.

On Thursday I actually had time to have lunch in Blind River so I headed with my pulled pork sub (yay, it's back!) to a little park and played a bit.

This was in the parking lot of the park but it reminded me of driving on the highways during the summer...AKA construction season.

One of my bleeding hearts...

And my Mother's Day pansies.

Okay, now go shake out your eyes so you can focus properly again.

Sunday, 5 June 2016

Week 22: Cuteness Overload

spring babies

Let me begin by saying how absolutely awesome it was to sleep until 7:00 this morning!  I can only assume that all the birds are dead and the sun rose an hour and a half later than usual.  Woohoo!  Imagine the things I can accomplish today after a full night's sleep. I might tackle the gardens full of grass, bake for a fundraiser next week, clean the house...who knows what might happen.  But I will begin with this blog... and then maybe start reading Girl on a Train.

I wasn't sure about the timing of this topic since I can't predict when the ducks and geese are going to have their babies and when they feel like proudly displaying them to the public.  It turns out the timing was perfect.  Last Sunday since I was up (see above re: sleep issues), I headed to Bellevue Park to see the babies in the morning light.  I didn't think of the fact that the park is closed overnight and doesn't open again until 7:00 but the security guy was there early and I got in at 6:45.  The fog was beautiful (as you will see) but that also meant that the mosquitoes were out.  I hadn't thought to bring bug spray with me but I soldiered on.  The baby ducks (there were 21 the day before when I was there with Amanda) were hiding first thing but I found a few geese.  Later the ducks came out but they stayed so far out in the water that I couldn't get a decent photograph.  I headed to Whitefish Island to see if there were any babies but there were not.  The only baby photos I have for you this week are goslings.  Even though the blog topic is over, my search for cuteness is not...I may have a baby duck or two in next week's installment.

Although this first photo is not in perfect focus, it is my favourite.  The daddy goose was keeping a close eye on me while I pointed my camera at his babies but mama was just sitting there.  I'm not sure if the babies got tired of the click-click-clicking of my camera or if it was just time for a cuddle, but they waddled up to mama and pushed themselves up under her wing then popped out on top.  I laughed out loud and startled a passing dog walker.  I have never seen this before, despite my yearly pilgrimage to the spring babies so this is my photo of choice for the week.

These two made me laugh.  I imagine that the older brother is reassuring the younger one that it was going to be okay, he could do it, just jump.

This family swam past me just before I left.  I waited for them all to be looking in the same direction and they obliged.

And here we have some fog.  See the bridge?

More fog.

And a spiderweb in the fog.

At Whitefish Island, the bullfrogs were having a very loud conversation...almost loud enough to drown out the birds.

And it was lilac week (they are already turning brown all over town.

That's all for this week.  Have a great Sunday everyone.