an ant's perspective
He's got high-igh-igh hopes! Now is everyone singing along with me?
Well, I am not happy with my effort this week. I was doing well for the past several weeks; thinking of ideas, getting out and trying them and I was generally happy with the results. This week...not so much. I didn't even load the photos on the computer until today and when I looked at them, I realized that all my photos are very similar in composition and subject matter. Oh well, tomorrow begins another week (hopefully a week that is a little less hot and muggy).
This topic came from a book I read years ago (I am going to make a fairly confident guess that it was one of my Bryan Peterson books). The idea is to change your perspective and shoot from down low...very low. That's where I got the idea for the tulips a few weeks ago.
Let's begin with the ant himself. He is helping my peony bloom.
If he was able to crawl all the way to Hiawatha, this is what he might see.
Then I think he might find some folks having a picnic and invite himself along. Thanks for the idea, was too hot to spend much time on it today so it isn't very exciting. I should have set the table with my picnic stuff and put out some food in the background. Okay, everyone just picture that yourselves.
Of course any ant in my household would head to Whitefish Island.
And off topic, last night I finally saw some ducklings up close. Pam and the kids and I enjoyed the cooler evening for a bit at Bellevue Park.
Oops there goes another rubber tree plant.
...and now you're singing it again.
Yes you brat, I am singing it! But I love your picture of the tall tree with the sun in the background. That is a fabulous shot!