Wednesday, 12 October 2016

A Tribute to John

John Richard Quinn  June 23, 1991 - October 10, 2016

My family suffered a tragic loss this week as my nephew John died on Monday.  He was so young with so much life ahead of him.  I grieve his loss for myself but I cannot imagine the horrors my brother and sister-in-law are suffering.  Tears are streaming down my face as I write this but I wanted to tell whoever chooses to listen how amazing John Richard Quinn was during his 25 years in this world.

John was brilliant.  The kid read math books for fun and he could do anything needing doing on a computer.  John was always willing to lend a hand, regardless of the task...install a new router - yup, photoshop some stunning blue eyes onto the grey eyes of a cat - yup, keep me informed of software I should use for my photography - yup, fly to Windsor to help his grandparents move then complete a to-do list a mile long - yup, paint his other grandfather's house in preparation for selling it - yup, head over to mom and dad's to barbecue up some awesome steaks - yup, yup and yup.  

John was sensitive and caring and if someone was in need, John was there.  He was stubborn too (the acorn doesn't fall far from the tree - both sides of the tree and many of it's branches).  I remember when I went out to visit Pete, Darlene and John when they lived in Chilliwack.  John and I headed out for a hike in the mountains while Pete and Darlene went to work.  John was about three or four (he was still in day care I think) and he insisted that we take a "short cut" from the parking lot to the trail.  I refused, trying to reason with him saying that since I was unfamiliar with the area we should stick to the signs.  He refused.  Eventually we got back in the car and headed back to the house sans hike (see above re: tree and it's branches).  

I just spent an hour with Darlene looking through photos so we can make a memory book of his life and this process brought many smiles.  I am hoping I smile some more as I add the photos now.

This is the most recent photo I have of John.  It was taken at our Gallant family reunion last summer.  While I was taking this picture of the awesome barbecuer with his steaks, Pete was grumbling in the background to hurry up, he was hungry.

Now let's go back to the beginning...

Those dimples!!!!

Uncle Rich teaching bad habits or the other way around?

Helping...not so much.

Relaxing after a long day at African Lion Safari.

John and Levi in the P.E.I. red mud.

Visiting Great Grandma.

The cousins...John, Morgan, Caitlin and Levi.

John doesn't look like he believes that the chickadees are actually going to land on their hands.

John was preparing to make himself a food baby.

Aunt Iris tickled John at just the right time.

Darlene, Pete and John enjoying dinner in the great outdoors.

That hat of John's is sitting on the fireplace mantle in a place of honour.

Rest in peace, my dear nephew.

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