Sunday, 11 December 2016

Week 48: Candy Canes and Silver Lanes Aglow

a candy cane

So, I'm late again.  The week before last, I again left things late...hoping for some pretty winter days to go out and photograph.  We had some for sure but they were always work days!  I'd be driving to work at 6:45 and thinking that I'd much rather be out with Hermione.  When we finally did get a skiff of snow on a weekend, I slept in and by the time I got to Whitefish Island, the snow was melting and it wasn't very wintry looking.  I headed up to Hiawatha because it usually snows more up there and the snow stays on the trees but alas, that morning, there was no snow!

I had bought candy canes when shopping that morning planning to photograph this assignment a little closer to Christmas but in desperation, out came the light table and the unwrapping of tasty treats ensued.

Just in case you want to unwrap a whole bunch of mini candy canes, be warned that the success rate for this, without the cane breaking, is about five percent.

The lanes aren't particularly glowing here but I was limited by what Mother Nature had on offer.

That's it for this week.

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