Friday, 23 December 2016

Week 51: These Are A Few Of My Favourite Things


I took a little artistic license in interpreting this week's topic based on the photos I made this week.  In addition to having the opportunity to photograph some of my favourite subjects and enjoying each moment of those outings, I felt that I needed to ensure that these final two weeks of this year's project were positive, thus the "favourite things" topic.  In reading through some of my old posts while proof-reading my photobook, I realized that I tended toward the negative:  I was grumpy quite a bit, I was hard on myself, I complained a lot and I think I was just unhappy with the project overall and that was reflected in my writing.

No more of that!  I have plans to change the project for next year and now that I have noticed the negativity in my writing, I will make a determined effort to cease and desist.  There, that can be a New Year's resolution. 

I was happy with my photography this week and well, it's Christmas so let's just enjoy.  I plan to photograph more favourite things for week 52 so don't panic that you don't see my family here!  They truly are my MOST favourite things; these are just SOME of my favourite things.

Last Sunday Amanda and I went to feed the chickadees despite the frigid temperatures.  My car was all alone in the parking lot and we didn't see another soul during the hour we were there.

So we begin with, in no particular order:
Whitefish Island
being a Big Sister

and sometimes squirrels

On Wednesday evening this week we had heavy snow falling but I checked the weather and the forecast was clear for the morning so I made my plans to head to Elliot Lake.  I was hopeful that the sunrise would be pretty on the fresh snow so I left home a half hour early to allow myself time to stop and take pictures if the urge arose.  Well, the urge arose many many times once the sun finally came up.  There were so many beautiful scenes and my jaw was hanging open in awe for quite some time. There were only a few places where I could safely pull over so most of the beauty remains in my memory rather than in my computer.

More favourite things:
my weekly drives through this beautiful country to Elliot Lake
my work (not the whole job but the work I do with the kids)
beautiful fluffy snow

Today was my Friday off and I spent the morning finishing up everything that needed finishing up for Christmas.  I was at Walmart shortly after 7:00 and the grocery store when it opened and 8:00.  Nothing else on my list was open until 9:30 so I headed to Whitefish Island with Hermione.

And still more favourite things:
my Fridays off
frosty mornings

and the way Mother Nature hangs her laundry

While writing this, Levi noticed that all three cats were sharing the same space!  Yes!  All three!  That never happens.  Surprisingly, they stayed put while I got Hermione and put the flash on and waited for the slow batteries to start working.

My final favourite thing for this week:
our cats (I had to qualify that because there just might be more cats next week)

Wishing everyone a very merry Christmas.

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